Founded in 2006, MicroSupport Co., Ltd. is a Japanese manufacturer specializing in micromanipulators and related accessories. They provide micro-sampling solutions for industries requiring stringent quality control or research into advanced materials such as high molecular compounds, petrochemicals, electronics, and semiconductors. Barnett Technical Services, as an authorized distributor offers a comprehensive range of MicroSupport’s micromanipulators and tools.
The MicroSupport Axis Pro benchtop micromanipulator encompasses a zoom microscope with a motorized XYZ stage and two motorized arms. All motion of the stage and arms is accomplished through a software interface and mouse control. There are a wide range of tools that may be used with the arms included probes, knives, scrapers, as well as liquid deposition (and pickup) accessories. You can also attached electrical probes. The entire system can be put into a glovebox for micro-sampling in an inert atmosphere.
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See Micromanipulator Demo at MIT
To download a catalog of MicroSupport micromanipulator products, please go to this link: MicroSupport Product Catalog
To see the MicroSupport micromanipulators in action, please go to this link: