Trace gas measurement is performed to measure the concentration of gases in a system or device to increase its safety, quality, and efficiency. Mostly, these gases are present in small amounts. Trace gas analyzers are used in this regard, usually to check emissions, trapped gases, and more in the system atmosphere or an area. At Barnett Technical Services, we offer trace gas analyzers made by the ABB Group. Los Gatos Research (LGR), now a part of ABB Group, is a leading developer and manufacturer of laser-based instruments for measuring trace gases, isotopes, pollutants, and fluxes. These gas analyzers are designed on the basis of Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS), which is an extension of Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) methods.. These systems may be configured for various gases and configurations depending on the intended use or application requirement. Barnett is a proud, authorized distributor of ABB-LGR's product line including a range of greenhouse gas analyzers, Liquid Water Isotope Analyzers (LWIA), and N2O analyzers.
Trace Gas Analyzers
Microportable Greenhouse Gas Analyzer Sensitive, fast and compact analyzers for measuremen..
Read More..Micro portable Greenhouse Gas Analyzer LGR-ICOS™ M-GGA-918 micro portable analyzer. Sens..
Read More..Liquid water isotopic analyzer – Ultraportable LGR-ICOS™ GLA132-LWIA liquid water isot..
Read More..Triple liquid water isotope analyzer OA-ICOS™ GLA431 liquid water isotopic analyzer. Fas..
Read More..N2O & CO analyzer – QC Portable LGR-ICOS™ GLA151-N2OCM N2O & CO–Quantum casc..
Read More..Isotopic N2O analyzers – EP QC Benchtop LGR-ICOS™ GLA451-N2OI2/N2OI3 enhanced performa..
Read More..Greenhouse gas analyzer – Ultraportable LGR-ICOS™ GLA132-GGA Greenhouse gas analyz..
Read More..Enhanced performance rackmount HF/HCl analyzer LGR-ICOS™ GLA331-HFHC analyzers are rugge..
Read More..Liquid water isotope analyzer. Fast and accurate analyzer for measurement of δ2H and δ18..
Read More..About LGR’s Trace Gas Analyzers
These analyzers provide rapid, sensitive quantitative analysis and, where appropriate, sensitive isotopic analysis of gaseous species. The table below summarizes many of these capabilities (note: many analyzers can be used for more than one gas). Please contact us for any questions or assistance in configuring a system.
- Drone: ABB's newest line of gas analyzers that are configured for mounting on a drone with an emphasis on lightweight products that deliver the sensitivity needed for most applications.
- Portable: ICOS gas analyzers designed for use in most field operations. These systems can typically be carried and are suitable for operation under battery power.
- Laboratory/Stationary: Gas analyzers suitable for use with most indoor applications.
- Deep Water: Specialized analyzers configured for use at very high pressures under water. Typically operational to depths of up to 2500 m.
- Concentration: Gas analyzers designed to deliver information on the concentration of this gas.
- Isotopes: Analyzers configured to deliver the relative abundance of different isotopes of the molecule(s) being measured.
Benefits of OA-ICOS
Here are some benefits of ABB’s Trace Gas Analyzers.- These gas analyzers are fast and accurate, suitable for measurement of δ2H and δ18O in water and many other species depending on the applications.
- These laser gas analyzers have proprietary thermal control for ultra-stable measurements and can measure trace gases with precision and accuracy. They are validated by leading labs worldwide.
- These gas analyzers are configured for specific applications, such as mounting on a drone with an emphasis on lightweight products.
- Some models are configured for use at high pressures under water and are operational up to 2500 m depths.
- They can be operated under battery power for field applications.
- They can also measure the relative abundance of various isotopes.
Applications of Trace Gas Analyzers
Here are some application areas that Barnett Technical Services works in for these trace gas analyzers.- Monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and toxic gases: This is necessary in segments such as wastewater treatment, urban development and planning, livestock areas, geological applications, etc. Gas analyzers are used here for isotopic measurements as well as identifying air contaminants and greenhouse gases.
- Stable isotopes: Pre-calibrated gas analyzers with good thermal stability can be rack mounted to simultaneously measure several gases at a high speed and over a wide range of mole fractions for eddy covariance and chamber flux applications.