
Barnett Technical Services has entered the FedEx Small Business Grant Contest. To see our entry page,…

Isolation and Characterization of Microplastics
Microplastics contaminate marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems around the world. The growing prevalence of these…

Applications Page
We have created a new applications page for the site that includes links and details…

Advanced Technisales
Advanced Technisales is now a representative of Barnett Technical Services for Ostec and Micro Support…

Announcing SMAL AIR lens
The worlds most powerful benchtop optical microscope can now be used with oil immersion or…

Failure analysis and particle isolation in a post-COVID-19 world.
The spread of COVID-19 has led to great changes in the lives of people worldwide. …

Webinar: Exploration of Limits-of-Detection using HTVS Raman Spectroscopy
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 Time: 06:00-07:00 CEST High Throughput Raman Spectroscopy using Tornado Spectral System’s Hyperflux…

GGPF Presentation – June 2020
Introduction to Polymer science and Engineering To learn more about the technologies featured in…

Rapid, Sensitive Raman Detection for Bioprocess Monitoring
The Tornado Hyperflux PRO Plus Raman system that utilizes High Throughput Virtual Slit (HTVS) technology…