SemiCon West 2019

We are very excited to be attending SemiCon west 2019 in San Francisco, CA July 9-11. We will be showing the following technologies.
Micro Support Micromanipulators

Manipulation of small materials.Probes available for a wide range of sample manipulations, including:
- Isolating particles
- Cutting
- Milling off a surface
- Nanoliquid deposition
- Vacuum for material removal
Arms also be added to FTIR or Raman Microscopes.
Attolight manufactures the leading cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopes and accessories on the market. These systems have been used for a range of applications, including:
- Defect Visualization and Counting in Optoelectronic Materials
- GaN for Power Electronics
- Photovoltaic Materials
- Defects in Thin Film Battery Materials
- Semiconducting Diamond
About SEMICON West
Three days of presentations with more than 80+ hours of technical and business programming, plus hundreds of exhibitors provide the insights, innovations, and intelligence you need to get ahead and embrace today’s disruptive landscape.
From materials, equipment, design, manufacturing, system integration, and demand channels to new verticals and adjacencies such as Flexible Hybrid Electronics, MEMS & Sensors, you’ll gain access to the best in the business and get a glimpse at what’s next. Immersive, new experiences demonstrating hot-buttons like Smart Transportation, Smart Manufacturing, MedTech, Big Data, IoT, and the cognitive technologies that are transforming the world make this year’s Expo like no other before.
Visit the SEMICON West site