Collection Pro

Collection Pro is an automated grain/particle sorting and collection system using the MicroSupport Axis Pro benchtop micromanipulator with advanced imaging technology system to rapidly and automatically perform grain/particle separation. This system can be used on grains, microfossils, minerals, and other particles that are normally separated by hand.

Further background on this product and some applications may be seen at our Steve’s Solution application note here:

A recent published paper describing the automated collection of microfossils with the Collection Pro is shown in the Downloads section of this page.

Easy 4 step process to collect samples
  • Automatic imaging and classification of grains/particles in sample matrix based on size, shape, and color
  • Editing of results
  • Collection set-up including selection of particles to separate
  • Automatic collection

Collection Pro Process

After imaging all grains/particles, a table is generated showing a number of critical parameters for each particle. An image of each grain/particle is saved.
All particles that are selected are automatically picked up using a vacuum micropipette.
Each particle is deposited in a pattern for simple analysis after the collection is completed.
MicroSupport Catalog
Collection Pro Brochure
Itaki Automated Collection of Microfossils Paper
Paper Describing Collection Pro Application : This paper describes the Collection Pro system used to separate and collect microfossils.  The paper may be downloaded here:
 Reference: Itaki, T., Taira, Y., Kuwamori, N. et al. Automated collection of single species of microfossils using a deep learning–micromanipulator system. Prog Earth Planet Sci 7, 19 (2020). . This paper is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License described here: