Collection Pro is an automated grain/particle sorting and collection system using the MicroSupport Axis Pro benchtop micromanipulator with advanced imaging technology system to rapidly and automatically perform grain/particle separation. This system can be used on grains, microfossils, minerals, and other particles that are normally separated by hand.
A recent published paper describing the automated collection of microfossils with the Collection Pro is shown in the Downloads section of this page.
Easy 4 step process to collect samples
Automatic imaging and classification of grains/particles in sample matrix based on size, shape, and color
Editing of results
Collection set-up including selection of particles to separate
Automatic collection
Collection Pro Process
After imaging all grains/particles, a table is generated showing a number of critical parameters for each particle. An image of each grain/particle is saved.
All particles that are selected are automatically picked up using a vacuum micropipette.
Each particle is deposited in a pattern for simple analysis after the collection is completed.
Reference: Itaki, T., Taira, Y., Kuwamori, N. et al. Automated collection of single species of microfossils using a deep learning–micromanipulator system. Prog Earth Planet Sci 7, 19 (2020). . This paper is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License described here: