
MicroSupport Micromanipulator at GGPF
We will be demonstrating the Microsupport Axis Pro micromanipulator at the Golden Gate Polymer Forum…

SciX 2019 Palm Springs
We are very excited to be attending SciX 2019 in beautiful Palm Springs California. Come…

Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019
We are very excited to be attending Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019 meeting in Portland OR, August…

SemiCon West 2019
We are very excited to be attending SemiCon west 2019 in San Francisco, CA July…

AIC FAIC Annual Meeting
We are very excited to be attending the American Institute for Conservation and the Foundation for…

SAFS & ASTEE Joint Meeting
We are very excited to be attending the Southern Association of Forensic Scientists joint meeting…

CLEO Conference
We will be attending the CLEO Conference in San Jose California May 7-9 2019. Please…

MRS Spring 2019
We are very excited to be attending Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2019, April 22-26…