Compres 2018

We are very excited to be attending Compres 2018 meeting in The COMPRES Annual Meeting will be held on August 5-8, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort, New Mexico, USA .
We will be presenting our MicroSupport Micromanipulator system.

Micro Support Micromanipulators
Manipulation of small materials.Probes available for a wide range of sample manipulations, including:
- Isolating particles
- Cutting
- Milling off a surface
- Nanoliquid deposition
- Vacuum for material removal
Arms also be added to FTIR or Raman Microscopes.
About Compres 2018
COMPRES, the Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences is a community-based consortium whose goal is to enable Earth Science researchers to conduct the next generation of high-pressure science on world-class equipment and facilities. It facilitates the operation of beam lines, the development of new technologies for high pressure research, and advocates for science and educational programs to the various funding agencies.
Visit the Compres site