Art Photonics GmbH and Ostec Announce Partnership to Promote Sales and Distribution of Spectroscopic Probes; Barnett Technical Services to Handle Sales & Distribution in North America

Elk Grove, CA – art photonics GmbH and Ostec announce today an agreement for Ostec to handle worldwide sales and distribution of near-IR, mid-IR, Raman, and Diffuse Reflectance Scattering/Fluorescence spectroscopic fiber-optic probes manufactured by art photonics.
In North America, sales and distribution will be handled by Ostec’s Distributor, Barnett Technical Services.
Viacheslav Artyushenko, Founder and CTO of art photonics, said “we are pleased to work with Ostec to accelerate the sales and distribution of our products worldwide. This should allow for more scientists and engineers to have access to our leading fiber-optic probes for spectroscopic analysis.”
Andrew Shubin, Vice-President of Ostec, said “Ostec is excited to support the sales activities of art photonics as part of our broader product portfolio in the spectroscopic and analytical instrumentation field.”
Steve Barnett, Founder and President of Barnett Technical Services, said “we have worked with customers who have implement art photonics probes for many years. The opportunity to work closer with Ostec and art photonics in the North American market is very exciting for our business and enables us to offer these excellent products to our customers.” Further information on this agreement will be available from Steve Barnett at Pittcon 2020 (contact info below).
About art photonics GmbH
art photonics GmbH, founded in Berlin in September 1998, is one of the worldwide leaders in development and production of specialty fiber products for a broad spectrum from 300nm to 16µm. Unique technologies of Polycrystalline Mid InfraRed (PIR-) fibers and Metal coated Silica fibers are used for assembly of various spectroscopy probes for medical diagnostics and industrial process control, in volume production of fiber for medical and industrial lasers, for different fiber bundles, etc.
About Ostec
The Ostec Corporate group is an engineering company that provides complex engineering and consulting services in the field of electronics to improve the efficiency of enterprises and the competitiveness of their products. With experience since 1991 and implementation of a large number of projects, Ostec offers its customers optimal solutions to problems regardless of the stage of development.
About Barnett Technical Services
Barnett Technical Services sells and distributes products for material characterization with a focus on products that utilize spectroscopic and/or microscopic techniques. The company was founded in 2009.