Sample Holder for Coarse Powders, Grains, Beads, Granules and Pellets

Up to 400°C

This sample holder is intended for testing granular materials such as coarse powders, grains, granules, beads, and small pellets. It is mainly intended to operate with our Kapton-insulated Hot Disk® sensor model 4922, which has a double-spiral diameter of 29.2 mm. The grain/particle size of the granular sample must be significantly smaller (>10 times), than the double-spiral diameter (i.e. <3 mm for Hot Disk® sensor model 4922).

Sample Holder for Coarse Powders, Grains, Beads, Granules and Pellets
Temperature rangeUp to 400°C
Recommended sensor modelKapton-insulated Hot Disk® sensor model 4922
Sample container
Volume276 cm3
Diameter80 mm
Height55 mm
Dimensions (height x diameter)70 mm x 90 mm
Weight0.43 kg