On-Site Demos – MicroSupport Benchtop Micromanipulators
Come see (and try out!) the MicroSupport Axis Pro benchtop micromanipulator
…live at an on-site demo!
The Axis Pro system consists of a zoom microscope, motorized XYZ stage, and two motorized arms – all motion is controlled through an intuitive software interface.

The system can come equipped with a wide range of tools and accessories, including:
- Probes for sample manipulation
- Knives
- Scrapers
- Vacuum micropipettes for particle transfer
- Electrical probes
- High resolution imaging camera
Some of the applications we can talk about and show you include:
- Particle isolation: Particle isolation in failure analysis represents one of the largest applications for the Axis Pro. Particles or other defects may be transferred for analysis by other analytical techniques.
More information may be found here: Steve’s Solutions: Particle and Defect Isolation with a Benchtop Micromanipulator - Scraping material off a surface: MicroSupport’s Milling Pro accessory permits shaving off a surface to reveal an object of interest buried underneath other material in a sample.
A nice example of this manipulation may be found here: MicroSupport Micromanipulator for Separation of Paint Layers in Trace Analysis - ex situ lift-out: The Axis Pro may be used to isolated a FIB foil prepared for TEM. This saves SEM chamber time and allows other preparation as needed for TEM measurements.
More information and examples may be found on our Steve’s Solutions page here: Ex situ lift-out With a Benchtop Micromanipulator
Note: We do not normally travel with these samples. If you have FIB samples, we’d be happy to show you this function on the Axis Pro.
We invite you to bring your samples to try out! If you have any questions about our MicroSupport demos, feel free to contact us. We look forward to seeing you soon!