On-Site Demos – MicroSupport Benchtop Micromanipulators

Come see (and try out!) the MicroSupport Axis Pro benchtop micromanipulator
…live at an on-site demo!

The Axis Pro system consists of a zoom microscope, motorized XYZ stage, and two motorized arms – all motion is controlled through an intuitive software interface.

Double Micromanipulator setup at NASA JSC.
Two micromanipulators at a customer site

The system can come equipped with a wide range of tools and accessories, including:

  • Probes for sample manipulation
  • Knives
  • Scrapers
  • Vacuum micropipettes for particle transfer
  • Electrical probes
  • High resolution imaging camera

Some of the applications we can talk about and show you include:

We invite you to bring your samples to try out! If you have any questions about our MicroSupport demos, feel free to contact us. We look forward to seeing you soon!