Business Consulting
Barnett Technical Services offer consulting services in business development for technology companies. Dr. Barnett also offers a course titled “Business Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers“. Further information on this course may be found by clicking here.
Examples of business development Dr. Barnett has been involved with include:
Commercialization of Medical Technology Spin-Off
As an Entrepreneur-in-Readiness at the Center for Biophotonics Science and Technology, Dr. Barnett led the development of a commercialization plan for a new medical technology, negotiated licensing agreements with partners in technology development, and is currently involved in forming the company to develop and market this technology.
Negotiation of Worldwide Sales Contract With Multinational Client
Dr. Barnett negotiated and completed a worldwide sales contract for one of his client organizations. This work included the establishment of pricing, development of support programs for remote regions, and client-specific marketing programs to accelerate sales.
Scientific Instrumentation Company Investigating Extension of Existing Product into New Market
A company in the scientific instrumentation field was considering the extension of an existing product into a new market. The client’s initial data looked promising but further investigation into the requirements for entering this market was needed. Dr. Barnett was part of a team that evaluated the existing product, described the steps needed to bring the product to market, and provided guidance about the regulatory and financial needs for entering that market. With this information, the client was able to make a more informed decision about the future direction of this product.
Use of Clean Energy in Industrial and Retail Settings
A company was interested in expanding their use of clean energy and requested assistance in identifying areas where this could be done most efficiently. Dr. Barnett was on a team that investigated the operations, suggested appropriate areas to implement clean energy, and recommended vendors that could assist them in implementing their clean energy options.
Other Sales Management Activities
Dr. Barnett serves as the Director of Sales, North America, for an instrumentation company with activities that include the development of a sales distribution network as well as roles in marketing and product development. Dr. Barnett has also served in a variety of other sales management positions that included work with direct sales representatives and international distributors.